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Requiem for the reusable Eschman Bougie?

By •• Posted in Devices, Techniques

At the end of every year a tradition from the networks and news organizations is to show us whom among celebrities and famous people died during the year. I must admit I do not pay close attention to it and rather think of whom or what  I would add to the list. This year something stood out for me. With new regulations at VA hospitals we are no longer allowed to re-use certain pieces of equipment and they are mandating instead the use of disposables. This means I had to forcefully retire a dear friend and ally of many battles (that saved me countless times) and that I used to carry with me in my pocket every day: the reusable Eschman bougie. I am still in mourning. I still think this was not a wise move. Read these articles and tell me what you think.

Frova vs Eshman vs Portex

Portex Single use

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